23:00 - 00:15 - Thiew
00:15 - 01:15 - Akira
01:15 - 02:30 - Gentlemens Club
02:30 - 03:30 - NobodyListen
03:30 - 05:00 - Magenta
Event by Break Art
The Break Art brand is an unfamiliar concept to the new generation of ravers, but the opposite is true. Break Art has had a colorful club history and has been one of the terms that confirms quality and an innovative perspective on music.
Today, Break Art is back with a vision to collaborate with artists to connect cultural worlds and break down stereotypes.
On Friday 21.9 you can see this at the first club edition, where producer, contemporary icon NOBODOYLISTEN and UK trio Gentlemens Club accepted the invitation. The sound of the evening will be completed by Akira and Magenta.
All these artist are united by concepts like innovation, total passion for music and rave culture, live performance that will leave a mark in you.
See you on 21.9. in Roxy!
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)